Saturday, May 10, 2008

Operation Clean Sweep...Day 3

I am finally DONE!!!!!!!! I just want to point out, that I couldn't have done this without my hubby. It is wonderful to be in a clean house again. I am so not going to let this happen again, I can't stand it anymore. So, here are the final pictures of my very own Operation Clean Sweep.
If you remember the disaster that was my spare room?
This is the once covered with junk walkway. Even the cats are relieved to have a clean house.
This is the bed, and made too! It was covered in Christmas decorations before.This had more Christmas decorations.
Notice the missing computers??? Now it is mostly scrapbook storage I am not using anymore.
That is it for the spare room, on to the bathroom!

Ahhhh, a clean sink, and I can find everything now!
I have a floor!
The laundry closet, CLEAN!!
AND, drumroll please..................................

Now I can scrapbook!!!

Thank you for sharing my cleaning journey. Now, all you need to do is check in with me once in a while, and keep me on my toes!


Christina Carnoy said...

YAY!!! You did it!

Kay said...

YAY!!!! I'm so proud of you!! You and Cliff did a great job! doesn't it feel good?

Erica Hettwer said...

Awesome job!!! And, very inspiring! :D

Samantha said...

WOW!! You did an awesome job cleaning up your house!! It's always nice to have an organized space :)